Party still at church of Romelia. The hectaset thank party, don't know why they were targeted. Churches with similar affiliations have been targeted.
Party searches cultists, find 11 silvers, find note about attacking four churches.
[Faefina] in the meantime, has been learning from the nine nymphs. She is bidding them farewell. Nymphs ask her to pray to Eli, to communicate with sisters in the new world. Tell her about odd dreams they've been having. 'Apotheosis' keeps popping up in dreams, light on earth - something that has occurred. Faefina realises that for this to happen, a mortal must see someone as a god, and another god has to do the same - sponsor, or endorse.
Nymphs have worked with the dryads to create a portal back to the city.
Faefina walks out from a tree in the gardens in Lenthor. Faefina heads towards the [Queens Crown].
Party back from church, eating breakfast. Reunites with Faefina. Gronk has black pudding, Bori has bacon and eggs, Faefina has carrots.
Faefina hears about Merrick, he's been requisitioned by church of Romelia to assist with hymns.
Gronk fills in Faefina on their adventures - at mention of Lite, another woman walking past stops and continues. Faefina tells party about the Nymph's dreams. Bori remembers how Ryshadium ascended 200 years ago, from his centaur worshippers. Also that process does take time, person ascending may not know yet.
Harald still has bad dreams, tells party - busty cook gives him spoonful of pudding with cream. He heads off to rest, dreams of pudding, ravens. Gronk dreams of Fey places, Kineeta's voice. Faefina dreams of dancing with nymphs. Bori dreams of winning arm wrestling competitions.
Party heads down for lunch, serving lady says to Bori and Faefina that two nights ago, [Lite] came to visit. He seemed agitated. Faefina, Bori, Gronk go to his house. [Eidrid] answers. Find Lite inside, his demeanour has changed - cold and iciness in his eyes. Bori realises that the muscles in his legs are working. Lite says the issue he contacted them about has solved itself. Lite stands, tells party that [Io] helped it happen. Harald knows they're not lying, but the logic is off - Eli is not a healing god.
Faefina asks why he's not happier, he deadpan says he is. He escorts party outside. Bori ponders if Lite walking might be linked to Apotheosis. It's unlikely though. Lite may have been healed by someone undergoing process. Party goes to find priest of [Io].
Long line of supplicants waiting to see him. Faefina hops to front, asks what is happening. Seneschal remembers Lite, Faefina ushers party forward. Seneschal says he prayed, healed him through Io. Was his first time, thinks [Eidrid]'s presence helped anchor faith.
Harald asks for help with his nightmares. Priest starts muttering in Celestial. In his mind, Harald sees priest asking him to come towards Io, the light. Harald realises the light is not good, refuses to enter light. Harald's ravens start attacking priest. Priest flies backward. Harald knows Io isn't god of light, the light he saw wasn't right. Faefina realises that the Dread Maiden's ravens aren't evil, just not of light.
Party notice half orc man in priest clothes but with no sigils, affiliation. Attire seems that of higher ranking priest. Says Harald seems man of strong will. 'Not every priest is good, or good at it.' Says what Harald believed in protected him. Harald looks off into distance, priest puts hand on his shoulder. Says things will change sooner than he thinks. Asks if we've had dealings with a mage and posh goblin. Introduces himself as [Geff].
Harald knows he was involved in a schism 30 years ago in the church of [Mu]. Wanted to shift law towards justice rather than law. Touches Faefina's face, comforting touch. Harald asks if he knows why the churches are being attacked. Geth says they're the four that have supported his faction in the church of [Mu]. He says he's not, strictly speaking, supposed to be there. Something told him to seek the place out.
He suggests party investigate palace. Party tells him where to find them, and that they're investigating [Crowley]. Geth says King's privy council has members who may not be moral. Could be found in high end brothels. Gronk and Harald investigate brothels, Faefina and Bori go to tell Sheriff about priest.
Harald gives Gronk a makeover to fit in at high end brothel.
Bori and Faefina see sheriff. Sheriff is tired, stressed - doesn't have enough men. Needs B&F to get letter to Minister of Defense. Faefina prays, uses Healing Hands to help revive him.
H&G investigating brothels, Gronk looking around for broth. Two ladies attach to them, Gronk says they're looking for men with low moral values. One lady takes G off, H goes to help him. H asks about the privy council members. Gronk chases after someone emerging from the privy. H bribes them for information. Treasurer has frigid wife, domination fetish. Minister of Culture into anyone/thing, insatiable, secret spymaster for the king. Minister of Religion, formerly a lower post, has been elevated by Crowley. Crowley never goes to brothels. Invites H to room with her.
B&F have letter for minister of defense. Make their way through layers of guards to meet minister.
Minister meets them, is surprised to see a Harengon. Says Crowley keeps intercepting orders for Sheriff. Gives them a message to hide from everyone to take to sheriff. Says Sheriff will know he just needs to stamp and sign it. They'll need to go [Torvelon] forest, where army is camped. They must also check how many soldiers are soldiers and how many are strangely creepy. Insists he is now going home to his wife, who he is very loyal to.
Harald finds Gronk in a room with hookers, Gronk disappointed he hasn't had any broth but had fun.
Party gets 300XP.